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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: vauxhall astra

Job ref: 1195528 Date listed: 02-11-2023
Bids: 5 (0 active) Lowest bid: £139.00


Collect from:

Batley West Yorkshire WF17 9AR United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Milton Keynes Milton Keynes MK United Kingdom


Approx. 143 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: vauxhall
Model: astra
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
classic_movers_555 (23) £139.00 03-11-2023 Accepted
classic_movers_555 (23) £189.00 03-11-2023 Replaced
tomauto (544) £233.00 02-11-2023 Declined
tccamion10 (71) £239.00 02-11-2023 Declined
wendy-neil (11) £252.00 02-11-2023 Withdrawn
Show closed bids


Question: Hi when do you want this job doing please thanks tony tony - tccamion10 (02-11-2023)
Response: Hi Tony,

Thanks for your message, need it asap. What is the best price you can do please?
Question: Hi, is it possible to do this tomorrow? I am based in Milton Keynes and have a drop off in Manchester. I am able to do it at a heavily reduced price. Thank you, Stuart. - classic_movers_555 (02-11-2023)
Response: Hi Stuart,

Thanks for your message, what is the best price you can do for me? If price is suitable, I can consider tomorrow as requested.

My contact is

Awaiting your reply Stuart, so I can make a decision.


Hello Stuart,

I am still awaiting your response asap?
Question: Hi. Please advise when you require collection and delivery? Kind regards Tom - tomauto (02-11-2023)
Response: Hi.

Thanks for your message, I need it asap, what is the best price you can do please?
Question: Hi I could do this job tomorrow or Saturday must know now if my bid is any good thanks tony - tccamion10 (02-11-2023)
Response: How much was your bid again? Cannot locate
Question: Hi I’ve put it in now thanks tony - tccamion10 (02-11-2023)
Response: Thanks for the offer Tony. Unfortunately I have received lower bids.

Best wishes
Question: Hi ok i could only see one bid that’s £6 less than my bid thanks anyway tony - tccamion10 (02-11-2023)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi, I have just quoted for collection late afternoon. Thank you, Stuart. - classic_movers_555 (03-11-2023)
Response: Hi Stuart,

Unfortunately I have seen a cheaper quotes than £189.

Thought it would be more discounted as you mentioned you live in Milton Keynes and have a job in Manchester?
If I get a better deal, then I go with you as you live in MK. This was my reason why I did not accept any other quotes previously.

I await your response
If I get a better deal, then I go with you as you live in MK. This was my reason why I did not accept any other quotes previously.

I await your response
Question: Hi, what have you been quoted? Thanks - classic_movers_555 (03-11-2023)
Response: I previously received a 140 Pounds quote Stuart
Question: I can do it for 110, with the commission (the deposit you pay) will make the total to you 139. I will only personally receive 110. Collection would be around 5 this evening - classic_movers_555 (03-11-2023)
Response: Great no worries. All good with me

What are the next steps?

Hi Stuart,

I have just spoken with the dealership, they said they close for 4pm and that car needs to be picked earlier.

I tried to negotiate 5pm pick up with them, but they said its not possible.

Any ways around this please?
Question: Accept the quote and pay the deposit/commission and then once I have your details I will give you a call. Stuart. - classic_movers_555 (03-11-2023)
Response: Ok